Responsive, customizable dashboards can display and monitor various data points, including (but not limited to) the following:
Chronic Disease
Overall Chronic Disease
- Total number of unique individuals with a diagnosed chronic disease (e.g., hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, COPD, asthma, cancer, depression)
Diabetes Metrics
- Total number of people with diabetes
- Total number of people with diabetes taking an ACE inhibitor
- Total number of people with diabetes taking a statin drug
- Total number of people with diabetes that have been screened for neuropathy
- Total number of people with diabetes that have an HbA1c of <7 mg/dL
- Total number of people with diabetes that have had an eye exam
Heart Disease Metrics
- Total number of people that have had a myocardial infarction and are taking a beta-blocker
- Total number of people with a diagnosis of heart disease that are compliant with Statin drugs
- Total number of people with a diagnosis of heart disease that are compliant with ACE inhibitors or ARB medications
Top 5 Diagnostic Categories by Amount Paid and Frequency
Top 5 Chronic Conditions by Amount Paid and Frequency
Top 5 Catastrophic Claims by Amount Paid and Frequency (i.e., claims greater than $100,000)
Avoidable ER Visits
- Total Number Avoidable ER Visits
- Total Cost and Mean Cost per Visit
- Top 5 Reasons for Avoidable ER Visits by Amount Paid and Frequency
Preventive Compliance
- Total Number Eligible and Total Number Compliant with Age/Gender-Specific Preventive Visits:
- Mammograms
- Cervical cancer screening
- Colon cancer screening
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening
Medication Compliance
- Compliance to Hypertension Medication (Total Diagnosed and Total Compliant)
- Compliance to Statin Medications (Total Diagnosed and Total Compliant)
- Compliance to All Medications (Total Diagnosed and Total Compliant)
- Percent of Brand Drugs Utilized
- Percent of Generic Medications Utilized
- Monitoring of Black Label Medications (High Incidence of Adverse Reactions)
- Top 5 Medications by Amount Paid and Frequency
- Medication Possession Ratio
- Overall (All Medications)
- Statin Medications
- Hypertension Medications
Ad Hoc Query Tool
- The Ad Hoc Query tool allows users to answer various questions about their data, test hypotheses, and identify risk and cost drivers within the data. This is accomplished through advanced filtering capability of the data.
- The query tool provides the ability to filter against data variables from medical and pharmacy claims data (depending on availability of data imported to the system). Biometric data can also be integrated with claims.
- Algorithms are built into the system to map diagnostic codes (ICD10), procedure codes (CPT), drug codes (NDC), and other coding methodologies. This allows the user to search without requiring advanced coding knowledge or medical expertise.
- Each “query” can be exported to the user’s dashboard on the analytics platform, allowing the user to monitor various data points directly on the Dashboard without the need to run a separate report.
Cohort Analysis
- The analytics system provides the ability to run queries against two or more groups, in order to compare metrics between groups. Each group can be defined by specific independent and dependent variables.
- This tool is useful for running pre/post analyses on wellness programs and other interventions in place for an employer’s population.
Predictive Analytics
- The Kairos analytics system utilizes proprietary algorithms combined with supervised and unsupervised learning (Artificial Intelligence) to measure financial savings and risk reduction and stabilization. The system can predict future expenditures and calculate a Health Scores at an aggregate and individual level.
- Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to segregate the “at-risk” population, the system can predict future risk and spend. Imagine taking 400 variables and, through strategic analysis and modeling, reducing it to 10 variables that are proven to drive future cost and/or disease risk.
Population Health Management library of reports
- Including more than 25 specific reports/sections designed to provide insights regarding a customer’s population:
- Demographic Information (Age and Gender)
- Overall Medical Expenditures by Year
- Overall Medical Expenditures by Month
- Employee / Spouse / Dependent Medical Expenditures
- Gender-Related Expenditures
- Diagnostic Category Expenditures
- Chronic Disease Expenditures
- Diabetes Expenditures & Related Risk Stratification
- Diabetes Non-Compliance to Evidence-Based Guidelines
- Disease Group Risk Stratification Expenditures
- Expenditures Related to Lifestyle Modifiable & Preventive Utilization
- Lost Time & Cost due to Health Disparities
- Health Risk Projection
- Preventive Screening Compliance
- Value of Preventive Screenings
- Potentially Work-Related Musculoskeletal Expenditures
- Catastrophic Claims
- Inpatient, Outpatient, & Emergency Room Expenditures
- Avoidable Emergency Room Visits
- Primary Care Physician & Specialty Expenditures
- Overall Pharmacy Expenditures by Year
- Overall Pharmacy Expenditures by Month
- Employee / Spouse / Dependent Pharmacy Expenditures
- Medication Compliance
- Brand vs. Generic Medication Usage
- Kairos team identifies Key Findings and Solutions for Consideration
- Report produced in Microsoft Word and PDF formats and customized by Kairos team based on unique data insights specific to a customer
Evidence-Based Rules report
- Designed to monitor gaps in care, including compliance to age/gender-specific guidelines, disease-specific clinic guidelines, etc. Specific areas include:
- Individual gets diabetic test strips
- Individual gets diabetic test strips every quarter
- Individual has Emergency Room visit with no subsequent inpatient hospital admission
- Individual is in Disease Group 3 (i.e., diagnosis of at least one chronic disease)
- Individual is in Disease Group 4 (i.e., diagnosis of two or more chronic diseases)
- Individual is in Disease Group 5 (i.e., diagnosis of two or more chronic diseases and diagnosis of disease-specific complications)
- Individual is taking drug with cost greater than $400
- Individual is taking any drug included in Black Label Medication list
- Individual is taking any "specialty" drug
- Individual had Primary Care Physician visit
- If female, individual had breast cancer screening
- Individual had colon cancer screening
- If female, individual had cervical cancer screening
- If female, individual had HPV screening
- Individual has diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and is taking a Statin
- Individual had an Acute Myocardial Infarction and is taking a Beta-Blocker
- Individual has a diagnosis of diabetes and has been screened for a retinopathy
- Individual has a diagnosis of diabetes and is taking an ACE inhibitor or ARB
- Individual has a diagnosis of diabetes and is taking a Statin
- Individual has a diagnosis of hypertension and is taking anti-hypertensive medication
- The report is produced in Microsoft Excel format and contains individual-level data identifying if the individual is eligible for each of the criteria and, if eligible, if each person is in compliance.
Analytics consulting
- Pre/post analysis of interventions and measurement of program outcomes
- Development of targeted, evidence-based intervention recommendations
- Review and recommendation of best-in-class vendor partners